Sunday, May 6, 2007

"Blogs will change your business"

B ased on the linear model, conveying an opinion to an audience means choosing the proper method that will produce an effective message. Businesses for example are always seeking for new forms of advertisements to attract customers to buy their product(s).

A ccording to the article, blogs have become a significant medium in shaping the economy's success. We are constantly bombarded with the media, be it the television, billboards or even the simplest of just flyers posted outside on a tree. We are aware that those commercials and catchy tunes are made so that we get sucked into spending money and purchasing that product. It works.

O n the other hand, when dealing with more interpersonal relationships, it is also crucial to understand what method should be used when wanting to communicate an idea to a friend, family member, or even a coworker. For example, if you wanted to end your relationship with your current boyfriend/girlfriend, a more meaningful medium to send the message would be in person than sending a text message.

I t can be challenging because you have to look into whether or not the message is detailed enough, the time that is needed for feedback, how much information can be conveyed through that medium or how much control you have over the recipient’s attention. We need to be more aware of these details when we encounter any given situation because the right medium can help us improve our relationships with other people and ourselves.

W ith this in mind, can blogs really "change our business" for the better? The article states that ordinary people, like you and I, are the ones responsible for populating the blogging network. Everyday, millions of people access these blogs around the globe. However, how definite are we to say that these sources are credible? Have you ever played the game, “broken telephone”? We know that the information that ends up at the end of the chain leads to a different message than the original. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand what type of medium will lead to an effective message where the opinion or idea stays intact even through a multiple branching chain of interconnecting channels of messages.

Blogs are so popular now that even people who do not pay attention to politics are propelled to write a blog entry about the elections. In the video, one man says that the most hot topic talked about by bloggers are advertisements. Many are using youtube videos and broadcasting these videos for other users to see. However, the lady in the video says there isn't ONE issue that everyone discusses. Blogs are diverse and it continues to contribute to our information-based economy.

Works Cited

Adler, Ronald B., and George Rodman. Understanding Human Communication. 9th ed. New York: Oxfdord University Press Inc., 2006.

McDermott, Terry. "Blogs can top the presses." The LosAngeles Times [LosAngeles] 17 March 2007. 5 May 2007 <,0,4018765,full.story?coll=la-home-headlines>.

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